
Estimated time: 5 hours

Welcome to this last module of the Core Certification. The four modules of this certification will give you all the keys to make amazing games using Core. This next part, Scripting and Core API, focuses on the scripting part of Core to understand the various tools of the Core API. This module contains an advanced part for people that are confident with scripting but you can follow the first lessons even if it is the first time scripting.

Keep in mind that with scripting, all of the scripts present in the hierarchy of your scene will be executed line by line when the game starts. Starting with the first line. If your script does not work, you might have forgotten to place it in your Hierarchy.

What you will learn

  • How to create resources that the player can pick up.
  • How to play an NPC animation from a script.
  • How to create a user interface.
  • How to send events from the client to the server.
  • How to spawn and equip objects.
  • How to save the progress of your player between sessions.
  • How to create an object spawner.

Completing the module

In order to pass this module of the Core Certification, you must pass all the quizzes with a score of 100%. You can go to the next lesson even if you didn’t reach 100% but your Certification won’t be validated.

It is strongly encouraged that you not only read the content but spend time doing the steps described in the course. The format is different from the first three parts because this time you are going to build the main mechanics of a game where the players have to grab coins and buy cool bonuses in order to get as many coins as they can.

The Project

Launch Core, press Escape and click on the Create tab at the top of the window. Start from an Empty Project.

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