Introduction to Core

Creating an Empty Project

Open the Core Editor

If you haven’t installed Core yet, start with the instructions on installing Core.

Launch Core using the Windows menu, or desktop shortcut if you created one. This is what we call the Core Launcher, which you can use to browse games that have been created in Core, customize your Core characters, and open the Core Editor.

To open the Editor, click Create in the left-side Navigation.

Open a new project

Once you are in the Create menu, click the New Project button.

There are many different options to start projects from existing games and frameworks which we will discuss throughout this course. Right now, we will start from a blank canvas.

Click the Empty Project option and give your project a name and click Create.

Looking at Your Project

The Core Editor is made up of different windows which control different aspects of the project. If you cannot find a particular window, they can all be opened from the View tab in the top menu bar.

Find the Main Viewport

The Main Viewport allows you to see your game while you edit it. It will show up with your project name at the top and has a camera that you can reposition as you work to move 3D objects and see the scene from different angles.

In the empty project, you should see a bright blue sky and a grid floor.

Test Out the Main Viewport Camera

Hold the right mouse button to change the direction the view is facing. While you are holding the right mouse button, you can use WAS, and D to move view position forward, left, right, and back.

Use the scroll wheel to move the view closer or further away. You can hold it down to slide the view left, right, up, or down.

Preview Your Game

Preview Mode lets you run your game and see how it looks.

Press the Play button at the top of the Editor or = to run the game. You should be able to run around the scene with the WAS, and D keys, jump with Space, crouch with C, and ride a mount with G.

The character and mount can be customized from the Core Launcher, in the Character tab.

You can use Tab to pause, and press the Stop button or = to stop the preview.

Adding Things to the Scene

Open Core Content

The Core Content window is where you can find all the art objects, sounds, textures, and game components that come with the Core installation.

In the default view Core Content is the second tab in the bottom left menu. If you need to change your view back to the default, you can click View in the top menu bar, and select Reset View to Default.

Add an Object to the Scene

In the Core Content window, find the 3D Objects section of Art Objects and click the + icon to see the categories inside.

You can select any 3D object you want to experiment with, or open Basic Shapes and find Ball.

You can also use the search bar at the top to find a particular shape or prop.

To add an object to the scene, click and drag it onto the Main Viewport.

Move the Object

The Toolbar at the top of the editor has different options for changing objects.

Click the Transform Position icon in the Toolbar or press W to move objects around. It will show three arrows from the object’s current position. Drag any of the arrows to move the object along that axis.

You can also right click an object and select Drop to Floor to bring it down to the nearest object below it.

Rotate the Object

Click the Transform Rotation icon in the Toolbar or press E to rotate the cube. It will show three curves and you can drag any of these to rotate the object along the direction of the curve.

Change the Object’s Size

Click the Transform Scale icon or press R to change the object’s size. It will show three arms with cubes at the ends from the object’s center. Drag any one of the arms to stretch or shrink the object along that dimension.

You can also click the white center cube to change the size on all the dimensions together, keeping the object in proportion.

About Snapping

Snapping allows you to change the position, rotation, and size by a specific amount at a time. It’s very useful when you want to put to objects right next to each other and get them to line up easily.

All of the Snap tools appear in the same location, to the right of the Transform Tools. This icon will change appearance and function depending on which Transform Tool is selected, and can always be turned on with G.


The Hierarchy shows the props and objects that are already in the project scene. In the default view, it is on the right side.

You can drag objects around to change the order they are listed and click the eye icon to hide them in the Main Viewport.

Try clicking the eye next to Default Sky in the Hierarchy to hide the Sky. You can see how this sky object is the source of all the ambient lighting in the project.

You can also use the Hierarchy to find objects rather than searching through the Main Viewport for them. Select an object and press F to move the view to focus on it. If you hold Alt and use right click to move, your view will orbit around the selected object.


The Properties window will show you more information about an object that is selected. In the default view, it is in the bottom right corner. With an object selected, you can see numbers for the Position, Rotation, and Scale, as well as many more properties that will be useful later.

Try turning the Game Collision property in the Scene category to Force Off and start a Preview with the Play button to see if you can run through your object.

Saving the Project

The Core Editor will automatically save your work periodically, but it is good to save it yourself in case of crashes.

Click File > Save or Ctrl + S to save your project.

Save All or Ctrl + Shift + S also saves any scripts that have been changed.

You have now learned the basics of using the Core Editor! From here you can continue to experiment with objects and properties to see how they work, or to learn about playing games through the Core Launcher.

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