

Welcome to the NFT (non-fungible token) Generative Content course.

In this course, you will learn how to create content in Core that can be created as an NFT by making use of Attributes. You will also learn how to read your created NFTs in Core by looking at the Attributes to re-create the content. The objects being created in this course will be Axes, however, you are free to create anything you like.

The benefit of generative content is that the information on how that content is built can be stored on the blockchain. This allows for owners of those NFTs to use them in other games on Core, or even on a different platform since they would own the content.

When equipping the Axe, it loads a specific NFT and generates it.

Course Outline

This course will cover the following topics:

Creating Assets

You will learn how to create assets that will be spawned randomly to build the axes.

Randomizing Colors

You will learn how to modify the material colors of static meshes to create more variations of Axes.

Using RandomStream

You will learn how to use RandomStream for a deterministic approach to reduce the number of attributes stored for the NFT.

Creating an NFT

You will learn how to create lazy minted NFTs on OpenSea for free.

Generate Content in Core from NFT

You will learn how to read the NFT attributes and use the values to generate an Axe in Core that the player can equip.

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