Types of Perks

This lesson will explain each type of perk available in Core and some real game examples.


Permanent Perks can only be purchased once by each player.

This type of perk is commonly used to purchase a certain item or clothing for the player to own. It could also be useful for unlocking content such as bonus levels.

A Core game that uses a Permanent Perk is [Tycoon] Cookie Miner by Nightmane. It has a permanent unlock to use the N key for automatically clicking without a speed limit.


Limited-Time Perks can be purchased only once during their duration, but can then be purchased again after they expire.

This type of perk can be useful for assigning players VIP status for a couple weeks which include various upgrades.

A Core game that uses Limited-Time Perks is Island Survival Alpha by randomphantom. They offer a week-long VIP pass to acquire more resources.


Repeatable Perks can be purchased any number of times by players.

This type of perk is useful to sell small purchases such as resources or items. This can also be useful for accepting tips as a creator.

A Core game that uses Repeatable Perks is Fantasy Defense Tycoon by BonaMors. It has a tip jar that can be purchased as many times as possible.

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