Core Interface

Editor Windows

The Core Editor is made up of different windows which can be resized and repositioned freely. All of the windows can be opened from the Window tab in the top menu bar.

Help! I closed or can’t find a specific window in the interface.

The Editor layout can be restored to its original form using the Reset View to Default option in the Window menu.

Main Viewport

The Main Viewport is the window into all visual aspects of a project. It will appear with the name of the project as the title of the Window.

Changing the View

  • Hold the right mouse button to change the direction the view is facing.
    • WAS, and D will move the view position forward, left, right, and back.
    • Alt will orbit around a selected object.
  • Use the middle mouse button to move the view closer or further away.
  • Hold the wheel button to slide the view left, right, up, or down.
  • Press F with an object selected to move the view to focus on that object.

Help! I can’t move inside the Main Viewport.

You must hold the right mouse button when using the W, A, S and D keys. If you are not using a QWERTY keyboard, update your Player Bindings and Creator Bindings in Edit > Settings…

Preview Mode

Preview Mode shows a project from a player’s perspective, allowing you to run through scenes and test features in person. Press the Play Button in the middle of the top bar to start the preview. To pause the preview and look at the element of your game in the middle of a preview session, press Tab. It can be useful to see if everything is working correctly in your game. To stop the preview, press the Stop Button.

Tip: You can also use the key = to Start and Stop the preview. Shift + = starts the preview at the current position of the camera.

Multiplayer Preview Mode

Multiplayer Preview Mode can be used to test how your project could behave in the published version, with more than one player. This Preview is close to how the live game will behave but it is still an approximation. Use the Multiplayer Preview button and pick the number of clients you want in the preview. Press the Play Button when you are ready.

Tip: Multiplayer Preview Mode is always the most accurate way to see how your game will appear over a network. You should use it often to test how your game will play live.


The Hierarchy shows all the objects that are currently in the project. These objects can be reordered by dragging and dropping. Dragging an object on top of another will make it a child of that object. Child objects are positioned relative to the location in the scene of the parent object that they are nested under and can access their parent object’s properties in scripts. You will learn to create scripts in Lua in the last module of the Certification.

Hierarchy of the sample project

This project contains some settings objects that allows you to change how the logic of the game works (Game Settings, Spawn Point, Third Person Camera Settings), the Default Sky and some models placed in the scene (Environment and House). You can look at what’s inside each group by clicking on the arrow at the left of the icon.


Open the House group and click on the first object Craftsman Wall 01 Window to look at the Properties. This window allows you to update the properties of an object. Some properties are common to almost all types of objects placed in your scene: Transform, Scene and Gameplay. We will go through those properties in the Core Content part of this course.

Properties window for one of the walls of the house


The three content windows

Project Content

Objects and scripts that you create will be in this window. It can be scripts, templates, materials and everything that is specific to this project.

Core Content

Everything you need to make great games are in this giant library of hundreds of quality assets (art objects, sounds, textures, and game components). You can find an object through the different menu categories as well as the Search function. Core is a closed environment so you can’t import external assets in your project.

Core Content window after querying the term “ball”

Community Content

Assets made by the Core Community to share with other creators can be found in the Community Content tab. If you can’t find what you need in the Core Content, the Community Content is a great place to look at thousands of models, tools and scripts made by the community. If what you are looking for is very specific, you might have to make the model on your own by following the Modeling tutorial of this module.

Save Your Project

To save your changes, click on File > Save or use the shortcut Ctrl + S.

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