game play

World Markers

World Markers

The World Markers component will give you the ability to add markers in the world that show to the player a point of interest in the world. For example, a Blacksmith icon will display in the UI that the player can see to determine which way to go to get to the Blacksmith. This component …

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Healing Buff

Healing Buff

The Healing Buff component can be used by players when they need to heal themselves. They can enter the area and receive healing over time while in the area. This could be useful for players that come back from fighting enemies that need to recover their health. How to use Drag the Healing Buff component …

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Player Indicator

Player Indicator

The Player Indicator component will add an indicator above all player’s heads in the game so that players can easily find where other players are in-game. This is useful for open-world games where finding players can improve the experience for the player themselves. It also helps make the world feel active. How to use Drop …

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Save Resources

Save Resources

The Save Resources component makes saving resources easier for creators. A data table can have a list of resources used in the game that will be saved and loaded for the player. This can help with keeping a player’s progression between game sessions. For example, saving how many coins they have. How to use Make …

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Weapon Spawner

Weapon Spawner

Weapon Spawner is a template that spawns a weapon item for the player to equip. The template uses inventory items for each weapon and stores them in a data table. The spawner can use a random or specific index from the data table. It will also respawn a new weapon once a player equips a …

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Weapon Switcher

Weapon Switcher

Weapon Switcher is a template that allows players to switch between multiple weapons. The template uses the inventory and item components, as well as data tables. The player will be assigned a new inventory and be given weapons at the start of the game. A UI will be created to display the current weapons the …

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Shared Pickups

Shared Pickups

The Shared Pickups component will allow you to place pickups in your game that can be picked up by all players. Instead of pickups becoming a race to who can get them first, every player will have a chance to collect the pickup. This component makes use of the dormancy feature so that it can …

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Player Shadow

Player Shadow

The player shadow component will show a shadow blob below the player on the ground when they are in the air. This component is very useful for obby games where places are falling from a height. It can be hard to judge the landing which can lead to frustration. This component allows you to fine-tune …

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Bounce Pad

Bounce Pad

The bounce pad component will allow creators to place these around the map that could be used to get to certain areas of the level that could be unreachable by other means. Bounce pads add an element of fun, and are usually great for obbys. How to use Drop the Bounce Map component into the …

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