Create Enemy Data Table

In this section, you will create a new table that will hold all of the enemies that can spawn. The generation algorithm will pick enemies from this data table at random and spawn them at specific tiles set in the ASCII map later.

Create Enemies Data Table

  1. In Project Content, right-click and select Create Data Table.
  2. Name the data table Enemies and set the columns to 1

Edit Enemies Data Table

Open up the Enemies data table. You will need to add a new column to the data table that will hold an asset reference for the enemy. This will be the template that gets spawned after the map has been generated.

  1. Edit the column and set the name to asset.
  2. Set the asset column type to Asset Reference.

Add Enemies to Data Table

The Enemies data table will contain a list of the enemies that the MapBuilder will pick from to spawn an enemy.

  1. In Project Content search for rpg skeleton to find all of the skeletons in the NPC AI Kit.
  2. Add any of those enemies to the data table by creating a new row and dragging the template onto the asset column for that row.
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