Creating the UI

In this section, you will need to create some UI that will be displayed to the player so they know something is happening while they are waiting. The progress of the map generation will be shown, so a UI Text component will need to be added to your UI.

The UI below is simple but will give the player information so they know something is happening while they are waiting. The progress text will be updated using a client script later on in the lesson.

  1. Create a UI Container inside a Client Context called UI.
  2. Add a UI Image that will inherit the parent width and height of the full screen and set it to black.
  3. Add a UI Panel and center it on the screen.
  4. Add a UI Text object that will be used to display the progress.

Feel free to design the UI how you want. If you are interested in the gradient effect in the image below, you can use the UI Gradient Rectangular 001 image that is set to a Width of 756, and Inherit Parent Width and Height are enabled. The top and bottom inner gradients are the same image, but with a Y Offset of 10, Height of 50, and Inherit Parent Width enabled.

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