Core Academy Essentials

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Core Academy Essentials are a collection of useful components that can easily be added to any project. These are usually common features that have been requested multiple times in the past.

These components will be updated when necessary and the list will continue to grow, so keep an eye out.

This article will serve as a master list of any components that have been published. Each component has a small description, link to a more in-depth article, and a GitHub link to example project.

How to Contribute

Please leave a response to this article if you have any suggestions or feedback.

If you would like fix bugs or add more to a component, then clone the GitHub repo and create a pull request with your branch.

How to Find

The components can be found in the Community Content window inside the editor under the CoreAcademy account.

Each component also has a GitHub repo with an example project of the component. Click the button below to see a list of all the GitHub repos.

Weapon Switcher

Weapon Switcher

Weapon Switcher is a template that allows players to switch between multiple weapons.

Healing Buff

Healing Buff

The Healing Buff component can be used by players when they need to heal themselves.

Camera Orbit Animation

Camera Orbit Animation

Camera Orbit Animation is a component to have a project start with a camera orbiting a center point and displaying a UI container.

Damageable Healthbar

Damageable Healthbar

The Damageable Health bar component will show a health bar for objects that can take damage and die.

Player Shadow

Player Shadow

The player shadow component will show a shadow blob below the player on the ground when they are in the air.



This component will allow players to sprint while pressing a key.

Triggerable UI

Triggerable UI

Triggerable UI is a component that implements logic on a trigger to display a UI Container.



The Teleporter component allows creators to set up teleporters around their map to help players quickly travel between different areas.

Weapon Spawner

Weapon Spawner

Weapon Spawner is a template that spawns a weapon item for the player to equip.

Player Indicator

Player Indicator

The Player Indicator component will add an indicator above all player’s heads in the game so that players can easily find where other players are in the game.

Bounce Pad

Bounce Pad

The bounce pad component will allow creators to place these around the map that could be used to get to certain areas of the level that could be unreachable by other means.

Player List

Player List

The Player List component will show who is in-game to all players.

Shared Pickups

Shared Pickups

The Shared Pickups component will allow you to place pickups in your game that can be picked up by all players.

Talking Heads

Talking Heads

The Talking Heads component allows you to have animated actors show up in the UI that displays some dialogue to the player.

Player Health

Player Health

The Player Health component will show a health bar and health number in the UI so the player can see how much health they have left.

Player Names

Player Names

The Player Names component is a lightweight component for showing the names above the player’s heads.

VIP Entrance

VIP Entrance

VIP Entrance is a component that restrict users from a certain team from entering.

Free Cam

Free Cam

The Free Cam component is useful for taking screen shots/video from a live public game. The component is lightweight, easy to use, and comes with some useful features to make it easy to take captures.

Main Menu

Main Menu

The Main Menu gives creators an very simple way to create a main menu for players that shows up when loading into the game.

Chat Rewards

Chat Rewards

Chat Rewards gives players a reward if they type a certain phrase into the chat.

VIP Teleporter

VIP Teleporter

The VIP Teleporter component allows creators to set up teleporters that checks if a player is VIP.

VIP Team Selection

VIP Team Selection

VIP Team Selection selects player to certain teams based if they have VIP status.

Cinematic Shot

Cinematic Shot

This component pans a camera from point A to B. It can be used for both capturing videos and in-game cinematic moments.

World Markers

World Markers

The World Markers component will give you the ability to add markers in the world that show to the player a point of interest in the world. For example, a Blacksmith icon will display in the UI that the player can see to determine which way to go to get to the Blacksmith.

Basic Shop

Basic Shop

The Basic Shop component is a good starting point for adding a shop to your game. For example, allowing players to purchase a weapon from the shop that is equipped on that player.

Resource Display

Resource Display

The Resource Display component helps with show resources to the player in the UI so they can see how much of a resource they have.

Save Resources

Save Resources

The Save Resources component makes saving resources easier for creators. A data table can have a list of resources used in the game that will be saved and loaded for the player.

Player Damage Area

Player Damage Area

This component can be used to apply damage over time to the player when they are in an area. The area can be resized and moved easily, and multiple areas can be created.

Costume Equipper

Costume Equipper

The Costume Equipper component makes it easy to create and equip costumes on players. It uses the new costume retarget component to handle bone offsets which allow proportional editing.



The Bartending component allows players to pick up a pint, fill it with beet from barrels, and serve it for other players to drink.

Throwable Chairs

Throwable Chairs

The Throwable Chairs component allows players to pick up a chair and throw it at other players, causing them to be killed. This adds a fun component to social spaces.



The Loadouts component will give players the ability to switch their loadout in game. It comes with a simple loadout menu for players to select which loadout they want. It also contains a hotbar to allow for quick switching of their weapon/equipment.



The Checkpoints component allows players to save spawn locations based on certain actions.

3 thoughts on “Core Academy Essentials”

  1. Such an amazing collection of useful resources that will help players take their projects to another level and up and running super quick.

    Great job Commander Foo and Double A – what a lot of work and thank you for creating this great toolkit.

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